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Wright choice Epoxy

EPOXy floor specialists

The outdoors provided a much-needed outlet for safe socializing during the pandemic. But with unpredictable temperatures, plus rain and wind, some are looking to the garage as the next best place to hang out safely.

Though the outdoors is still best, a garage can be a viable option, as it’s certainly safer than socializing inside, as long as the garage doors are open and air is circulating,

Think of garage hangouts (and really all social interactions) through this common sense framework: Space (always maintain six feet), Mask (keep it on), Air (always have the garage doors open), Restricted (keep it to a small number of people), and Time (keep it short).

So how do you turn a space usually used to store cars and household items into an area that’s safe and stylish to hang out in?

Start With the Floors

If you're going to do just one thing to your garage, it should be the floors, says Austin Wright of www.wrightchoiceepoxy.ca  “Especially if you are going to be spending more time in your garage, you’ll want to cover the concrete that attracts so much dust, fluid and dirt,”

Austin recommends using a Polyaspartic floor coating. The look is similar to epoxy but it has better abrasion, so you won’t see the tire skid marks. Plus, it can be installed in hot or cold weather. The best part--liquids wipe up very easily, so you can get rid of any car fluids that leak out before your gathering, or soak up any beverages before you park your car.

Get Organized

Your garage may already be spic and span, but many of us use our garage to store everything from paint cans to basketballs to strollers and snow blowers. If you are going to utilize your garage, cleaning up is also key to make sure your space doesn’t become a safety hazard in a different way. Purge what you don’t need (consider donating or a buy nothing group) and organize the rest, whether it be installing slat wall panels or with peg boards, or simply bins to remove the clutter. If you'll be hosting children in your garage, make sure to put any harmful chemicals or sharp tools out of reach.

Get Creative-Some ideas for Garage Use

  • Basketball hoop to be set up on the slat wall for rainy day play

  • Garage gyms are popular

  • Socially distanced garage yoga class with a few close friends

  • Inspiring art studio

  • Children’s playroom

  • a small office to working from home


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